MIMS Final Project 2015


The Annual Survey of Education Report (ASER) found that 52% of grade 5 students in India cannot read grade 2 content in English, let alone comprehend it. Less than half the children in grade 5 can read simple words in English and, of the children who can read words, approximately 40 per cent cannot tell the meaning of those words. These statistics convey the harsh reality of English literacy in India. Furthermore, the current education system has issues such as lack of quality teaching, high student to teacher ratio, and teacher absenteeism. In order to address these issues, we are developing a collaborative, inquiry-based, leveled English learning ecosystem designed to reach those without access to Internet or smartphones.

Our application aims to improve access to quality English content in two ways: 1) By connecting students with trained volunteers who are proficient in English and can speak the local language, and 2) By providing access to recorded audio content via an IVR interface. In this way, we aim to expand the reach and equity of quality education, provide personalized teaching, and form a more capable and confident future workforce in India.

Last updated: October 7, 2016