Student Project

International Trade of Critically Endangered Species

For individuals who are seeking to educate themselves on endangered species this project helps to visualize the international trade of critically endangered species. The visualization focuses on several aspects of the international trade such as region and time to highlight trade activity and trends, with:

  • Focuses on 12 critically endangered species from the CITES database

  • From 1975 to 2017 showing export/import country

  • Also includes trade activity and purpose

Easy to use filters enable drilling into the information. The visualization is divided in three areas: (i) Chart Filter, Species, (ii) Animal Trade: Live/Not Live, Trade Purpose, and (iii) Importing Country, Exporting Country

Step 1: Filter Chart summary

  • Species Name
  • Purpose of Trade
  • Trade of animal Live / Not Live
  • Exporting Country
  • Importing Country
  • Year of Trade

Step 2: Select Species, Trade of Animal Live/Not Live, or Trade Purpose

  • Species
  • Live/Not Live
  • Trade Purpose

Step 3: Select report on Importing Country, Exporting Country

  • Importing Country
  • Exporting Country

Data Source:

Last updated: December 11, 2019