Student Project

Global Commodity Trading

Welcome to Global Commodity Trading!

The visualization provides a comprehensive overview of global trade Volume, and also selectable details from commodity and country perspectives. 

The Data

Trading data released by the United Nations, which has 32 years of global trading statistics from 1988 to 2019. 

Target Audience

Anyone interested in historical world trade volume & flow data, possibly for academic reasons, or with a more a specific purpose to conduct analyses/projections for global trade statistics, etc.

Example Insights

Macro Insight

Global commodity trade has steadily increased in the past 10 years, with the total volume expanding by more than 3X. The growth has been most strongly led by Country A, whose import volume has grown 5% annually during this period. Among the largest imported commodities for Country A were Commodity X and Commodity Y. This is in line with the country’s fast industrialization during this period characterized by strong growth in demand for commodities 

Product Insight

Commodity C’s global trade volume has not seen significant growth over the last 20 years. However, the composition of major stakeholders has dramatically changed. Country A, once with a minimal presence in Commodity C trade, is now the biggest exporter having almost 30% share of global trade. 


More Information

Last updated: August 5, 2020