Data Science 209

Data Visualization

(Summer 2020)

Project Gallery

Ann Arbor, contained in Washtenaw county MI, is commonly known as the home of the University of Michigan. But where does it stack up compared to similar…
Craft Beer Vis is a website of visualizations designed to help beer enthusiasts learn more about the world of craft beer.
Our goal is to analyze correlation between Mortality Rates of a country and its Economic Indicators so that lay users can figure out how their countries of…
Excess deaths are higher than historic norms. Much of this can be attributed to COVID-19 as the cause of death.
Using data from the Federal Election Commission, we've designed a number of exercises and graphics to help viewers understand the complexity behind the ebbs…
Global trading statistics from 1988 to 2019, the visualization provides a comprehensive overview of Global Trade Volume, and also selectable details from…
In the United States 50 million people died between 1999-2018. What did they die from?
If you are curious to learn about oil production curtailment please be our guest and click the link to view our viz!