Craft Beer Vis
Student Project

Craft Beer Vis

Craft Beer Vis is a website of visualizations designed to help beer enthusiasts learn more about the world of craft beer.

We’ve created a series of visualizations to help you easily compare beers and breweries. You can use our beer recommender to find your next favorite, explore a map of breweries across the USA, compare different beer styles, and more.

We use two datasets for these visualizations. Our primary dataset is from BeerAdvocate, the most popular beer rating site in the world, that includes over 1.5M reviews of 65k beers. We also use a brewery location dataset from Brewery Collectibles Club of America.

You can begin your exploration by clicking on the visualizations on the home page. All of our visualizations include a tooltip, filters, or both. We’ve created visuals both in Tableau and using D3.js, both of which give you lots of options to play around.

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Last updated: August 6, 2020