MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2022

Bikeshare Wizard

Our Mission

Given how crowded large cities have become, our team was determined to find a solution for commuters looking for a more reliable, more autonomous, and more eco-friendly way to move around.

While bike sharing is becoming an important method of transportation with over 10 million active users around the world, most bike share apps don’t give users the ability to predict when bikes and docks will be available, making a bike commute potentially unreliable. Users can spend a large amount of time just looking for a bike, which can be a large pinpoint for an eco-friendly commute.

Improving bike sharing experiences can also have tremendous macro environmental impact. In 2021, Citi Bike in New York City saved about seven thousand tons of CO2 from being emitted. Imagine that on a large scale.

Our Product

Our MVP product is a web app that focuses on providing availability to Boston bike share users in order to improve their bike share user experience and convert them into long-term users.

Last updated: December 5, 2022