MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2022

My Portfolio Manager

Team My Portfolio Manager is focused on democratizing data science to help fund managers outperform the stock market index with more accurate investment recommendations affecting trillions of dollars of savings and pensions invested in these funds globally. Using data on returns to sectoral stock indices, we are applying smart feature extraction and multi-label learning using random forest classifier chains for our MVP targeted towards fund managers in mid- and small-tier investment firms; we intend to use our MVP to contribute to peer learning about how data science can help generate better active investment recommendations.

Our mission

With My Portfolio Manager™ we want to democratize data science techniques to help mid- and small-tier fund advisors with more accurate investment recommendations.

The problem

Generating alpha that “beats the market” is extremely hard.

Research shows that around 90% of “active” fund managers fail to beat the market. Global financial assets in 2020 were ~$422 trillion and 1/3 (~$140 T) was managed by third parties. Investment management industry serves a significant social good for some investor segments (e.g., US public retirement plans). Thus, even a small meaningful improvement can have a large impact on people’s savings and retirement prospects.

Active investment is usually driven by research which is:

  • Subjective: Based on hunches or unproven and intractable theories and heuristics
  • Not transparent
  • Informed by proprietary data science models (a preserve of firms with deep pockets)

Thus, the need to provide state of the art data science technology to active fund managers.

Target customers

If you are a small- or mid-market fund manager seeking guidance on which industry sectors to invest in, My Portfolio Manager is for you!

Our solution

We forecast industry sectors that are expected to perform best over the next 5 days. We provide complete transparency to how our past predictions have performed relative to the market. My Portfolio Manager uses machine learning to help small and mid-market fund advisors like you with more accurate investment recommendations.

Last updated: August 3, 2022