ScreenBook web extension logo overlaid on top of a blurred picture of a web page
5th Year MIDS Capstone Project 2022


A web extension that helps users navigate the Internet safely and on their own terms by empowering them to moderate content consumed online.

ScreenBook is a Chrome web extension that addresses a missing piece in the content moderation market. While platforms moderate content for general appeal, our extension gives control back to the user by allowing them to choose and develop their own content filters to better curate their own Internet experience.

While ScreenBook is intended to be able to adapt to any type of content filtering need, the current iteration of ScreenBook will identify suicidal content only and hide that content on the webpage as the user browses through it. The extension will hide the content with a prompt overlay that allows the user to view suicidal content at their discretion.

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Last updated: July 29, 2022