Student Project

The Guide To The Michelin Guide

By: Nashat Cabral,

Melissa Hartwick,

Nina Huang,

What is the Michelin Guide?

In the early 1900s the Michelin tire company needed to find a way to get people to use their cars moreoften, and therefore use the tires on their cars. From this problem came an ingenious idea - a restaurantguide. But not only any restaurant guide. This restaurant guide would highlight only the best restaurantswith the most exemplary food and service. From this, the Michelin Restaurant Guide was born.

Analytics Solution Overview

Fast forward to today, the Michelin Restaurant Guide became one of the most well-known lists of the bestrestaurants around the world, guiding food and travel enthusiasts with trip planning. But with all thechoices that go into trip planning, how can a food enthusiast best leverage the Michelin Guide?Our solution: the guide to the Micheline guide!The goal of the visualized Guide to the Michelin Guide is to help food-loving travelers explore renowned food locations based on the Michelin Guide as of May 2023. We strive to help both:

  • Early trip planners without a destination in mind, to

  • Sophisticated trip planner looking to spice up their trip with great local restaurants nearby

Last updated: August 10, 2023