MIMS Final Project 2024


In today's dynamic and rapidly evolving job market, navigating career transitions can be a daunting task for individuals across all cultural, economic, and social backgrounds, even more so for folks with limited access to learning resources and mentorship. CareerNav. was developed with a vision of enabling equitable access to career opportunities for everyone, beyond their measures. We aim for our platform to serve as a beacon of hope for economic mobility, providing every individual with equitable access to boundless career opportunities, transcending limitations and leveling the playing field for all.

CareerNav. is a tool that lets individuals, intending to transition from one career domain to another, identify transferable skills and skill-gaps in their profile. The goal is to help the user with a personalized learning map for the skills that matter in the industry. Users first update their background and career goals. The tool takes these into consideration and evaluates the transferable skills they already have, benchmarking them against industry trends. The tool then does a skill gap analysis and recommends a study plan for each skill gap. The user is also provided with an explanation for the recommended learning path.

Last updated: May 9, 2024