I/O brush: beyond static collages

Kimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii. "I/O brush: beyond static collages". In CHI '07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Jose, CA, USA, April 28 - May 03, 2007). CHI '07. ACM, New York, NY, 1995-2000. (2007)


I/O Brush is our ongoing effort to empower people to create new expressions and meanings by painting with attributes of everyday objects and movements in their physical world. Using examples from our case studies with kindergarteners and artists, we discuss I/O Brush's most distinguishing features, its dynamic ink and history functions, and how they enable people to invent new expressions and meaning making with objects in their physical environment.


Last updated: September 20, 2016