Managing Cyber Risk


3 units

Course Description

This course offers valuable perspective for both the non-technical business manager and the technical cybersecurity or IT manager. It is the vital connector between the technical world of threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits, and the business world of board-level objectives, enterprise risk management, and organizational leadership. Now more than ever, managers have a need and responsibility to understand cyber risk. Just as financial risks and other operational risks have to be effectively managed within an organization, cyber risk has to be managed. It spans far beyond information technology, with broad implications in the areas of organizational behavior, financial risk modeling, legal issues, and executive leadership.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Compare and employ approaches to cyber risk management and measurement.
  • Develop a basic cybersecurity strategic plan and understand how it aligns with the core business value of the company.
  • Navigate corporate structures to create a strong cybersecurity program and obtain senior leadership buy-in.
  • Understand security product verticals, identify common use cases for those products, and define requirements for acquiring solutions relevant to a business use case.
  • Understand the basic principles and best practices of responding to a cybersecurity incident.

Previously listed as CYBER W220.


MICS students only. CYBER 200.
Last updated: April 2, 2024