New Domains of Competition: Cybersecurity and Public Policy


3 units

Course Description

Cybersecurity is a primary national security and public policy concern. The government, military and private sector have various roles and responsibilities with regard to the protection of the cyber domain. In this course, students critically evaluate these roles and responsibilities, the manner in which government networks, systems, and data are secured, and the ability of national and international cybersecurity strategies and partnerships to mitigate the security risks introduced by society’s increased reliance on information.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Critically assess national and international cybersecurity strategies
  • Describe and evaluate national and international public-private partnerships.
  • Discuss the fifth domain and its protection within the context of national security.
  • Identify lessons learned and recommend ways to improve national and international approaches to cybersecurity.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the military, government, and the private sector in cybersecurity.
  • Utilize an evidence-based approach to analyze the security of government networks and systems and privacy of retained data.

Previously listed as CYBER W242. Previously titled “Government, National Security, and the Fifth Domain”.


MICS students only. CYBER 200.
Last updated: November 15, 2022