Programming for Computing Applications


3 units

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This course is not currently offered.

Course Description

An introduction to high-level computer programming languages covering their basis in mathematics and logic. This course will guide students through the elements that compose any programming language including expressions, control of flow, data structures, and modularity via functions and/or objects. Covers traditional and contemporary programming paradigms including sequential, event-based, and object-oriented programming. Students will also work towards writing code that integrates multiple input/output modes. Programming style, multi-person programming projects, and debugging strategies will be covered as well. Uses the PYTHON language.

In addition to the regular class meeting there will be other group meetings.

This course is restricted to first-semester graduate students in the School of Information.

Graduate students will receive course credit, but because this is a lower-division course, the credit may not be applied toward the master's or doctoral degree unit requirements.

Course format:

There will be a mixture of lectures and group tutorials. The assignments will be a mix of individual and team work, with probably a total of six to ten for the semester. Some of the assignments will be gone over in class. There will be a final team-based programming project.

The course will not run for the full 14 weeks of the fall semester. The current plan is to end just before Thanksgiving. We have applied for permission to increase the course to three units to reflect the amount of work and the commitment we expect from the students.


Restricted to Information Management and Systems students only.
Last updated: February 15, 2019