Building Business Value Through IT Innovation


2 units

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Course Description

This course is a new MOT course.
This is a Related Course of the MOT program.

Information Technology (IT) is a commonly misunderstood function in business today.  Once viewed as a ‘cost center’ that supported only ‘back office’ functions such as finance and accounting in the past, progressive companies are now using IT as a competitive weapon to offer new products and services to their customers.

Why do some industries choose to invest 20-30% of their revenue in this area and rely upon this function as the primary source of products and services for their customers, while others invest at an industry average of 3-5%?  Why do Chief Information Officers (CIO’s) who lead these organizations have average job tenure of only 18-24 months?  Why are many large IT projects late, over budget, and fail to deliver expected results?  These questions and more will be answered to provide business leaders another weapon to complete in the marketplace today.

Emphasis will be placed on the pragmatic view of this function using case studies and outside speakers who have led significant IT organizations.  Companies such as Federal Express that have completely transformed their business model using IT will be discussed to understand how this function can be used to grow businesses.  Companies that leverage their IT function to actively promote their products and services will also be reviewed to examine how businesses can be showcased to prospective customers.  Finally companies that have relied upon M&A to fuel their growth will be examined to understand how they are able to quickly integrate their businesses and begin realizing the value of the transaction.

This course is particularly suited for those who anticipate founding or operating technology companies.

Course Syllabus (pdf)
Course Schedule (pdf)


Last updated: January 10, 2017