Proseminar in the Digital Humanities


3 units

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Course Description

This course will bring together students from the humanities who want to learn how technology can change how they do research, and students from information and computer science who want to help build the next generation of tools for humanities scholars, with a focus on analysis of written literature.

Students from each discipline will be expected to be open to learning from the other. The course will consist of readings and discussion of research papers as well as analysis and evaluation of existing tools. Students will be expected to contribute to the design, analysis, and/or evaluation of a new software tool for scholarly literature analysis.

Information and computer science students should have experience or backgrounds in some subset of database programming, XML design, graphic design, user interface design, information visualization, natural language processing, machine learning, data mining and/or statistical analysis as well as general programming skills.

Humanities students should have an open mind and a passion to learn about new techniques.

Open to graduate students in all fields and upper-division undergraduates by permission of instructor.

Last updated: January 10, 2017