The Future of Information Technology: Markets, Technologies, Applications and Business Models


3 units

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Course Description

The bursting of the technology bubble and the gradual maturity of traditional markets for information technology have intensified the search for new markets, technologies, applications and business models. This course focuses on emerging trends in IT and their impact on industry structure, corporate strategy, and competitive dynamics. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying opportunities for start-ups and other new entrants. The impact on established business models and industry structure (both in IT and the industries targeted by these emerging technologies) is also explored in detail.

Topics are covered through a combination of lectures, class discussions, case studies, and first-hand accounts from guest speakers.

Key topics covered include:

Open Source and Intellectual Property
On-Demand Computing
Security and Privacy
The Future of IT Supply
Display Technology
Web Based Applications and Information Services
The Future of IT Demand
Digital Hollywood
Digital Cinema
Broadcasting and Media Delivery
Video Games

See the MOT site for details.


Last updated: January 10, 2017