Project Management Case Studies: Rescuing Mismanaged Systems Implementations


2 units

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This course is not currently offered.

Course Description

This class is designed to introduce the principles of successful project management to both MBA and graduate level engineering students. The emphasis is on the practical rather than the theoretical, stressing decision-making in situations that confront project managers on a daily basis. The course concentrates on the PROCESS and the ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLES required by project managers in all disciplines. The cases presented are from a variety of disciplines, and the concepts are universally applicable. This course is not a survey of current methodologies and theories, but rather provides the student with examples of actual projects and how the organizational and methodological decisions impacted the outcomes. During the final weeks of the semester teams of students will refine interview questions that they will use to analyze ongoing projects at several consulting firms. Interviews will be conducted with participants in ongoing or recently completed projects. The students will then prepare recommendations for management.


Last updated: January 10, 2017