Data Science 210


(Summer 2023)

Project Gallery allows users to determine potential allergens in dishes, alleviating the health burden of people with food allergies through a unique approach…
Avacast's mission is to produce a machine learning model capable of forecasting avalanches across the state of Utah.  
A user-friendly app that offers the Wildlands League valuable insights into the climate impact of Logging Scars. This app provides information not just on the…
      Bridging the gap between Postpartum Depression Patients and Doctors - Team Velvaere
The goal of CH4cast is to help in understanding methane fluxes within wetland ecosystems.
A novel approach to code compliance through large language models.
ContrailSentinel is an exciting application of deep neural networks for the detection and identification of contrails in satellite imagery.   Our…
At, we are reimagining drug development by disrupting Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) detection with NLP and Transformers.
A machine learning tool to detect disasters and inform disaster response
Shaping the Future of Healthcare with AI Innovation. Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Precision Medical Imaging and Enhanced Patient…
Green Guardians is a tool that identifies logging scars, roads and unforested areas in Canada's Boreal Forest from satellite images.
With gun-related homicides up 73% in the last 10 years (through 2021), the US has serious issues with gun violence today. A key challenge is to determine which…
Revolutionizing water accessibility with data. By harnessing the power of machine learning, we hope to help communities improve water management and help…
Buying your first home can be daunting, especially in a buying economy where it’s hard to tell if a house is worth the high price tag! With HomePro, we try to…
Our project utilizes multimodal machine learning techniques to enhance predictions of solar coronal mass ejections and their potential impact on Earth's…
Our mission is to provide an AI-powered real-time phone translation service as an alternative to human interpreters that is affordable, fast, and delivers…
Will the movie you're developing be a hit? By entering information into Movie Magic, you can find out if the movie is likely to break even and what elements…
MRI image analysis with deep learning: shortening scan review times, improving diagnostic accuracy, and addressing the expanding gap between the number of…
Unveiling the future of personal health with NutriNet! Dive into a world where Machine Learning decodes your glucose data, serving tailored insights for your…