ISD Lecture

Customer-centered E-government

2007-02-27T17:00:00 - 2007-02-27T18:00:00
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Carolyn Lawson, Business and Program Services eServices Office, State of California

There are more than two hundred different agencies, departments, commissions, and boards within the State of California. Most information exists in isolated silos. Lack of sharing leads to redundant efforts and investments, and it complicates interactions with government. The bottom line is that citizens don't care what government agency provides what service. What is important is that they get what they need as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Created in August 2006, the eServices Office plays a key role in the development of eGovernment solutions for the State of California. The office is responsible for managing and supporting the growth of California's eservices, including acting as a liaison between State agencies and departments. The office works in partnership with other agencies to explore ways to share services, technology, and innovative ways of doing business in the State.

Last updated: March 26, 2015