
iConference 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008
8:00 am
– Saturday, March 1, 2008
5:00 pm
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

The third annual iConference ("iFuture: Systems, Selves, Society") is sponsored by the iSchools Caucus.

The iSchools Caucus consists of nineteen information schools from across the US and Canada, interested in the relationship between information, technology, and people.

Fifteen faculty, students, and scholars from the UC Berkeley I School will be presenting at this year's conference:

New faculty member Tapan Parikh participates in a "wildcard session" entitled "Bridging Discourses: Exploring the Relationship between Information Technologies and International Development."

The roundtable session "Mediating Intimacy: Navigating Friendships, Family Ties, and Romantic Relationships with Communication Technologies" will be led by doctoral students Andrew Fiore, and Christo Sims and Professor Coye Cheshire.

Doctoral students Melissa Ho and Rajesh Veeraraghavan lead the roundtable session "Bridging the Divide Between Theory and Practice in ICT for Development"

A roundtable discussion about the place of iSchools in the greater community will be led by Eric Kansa, the executive director of the school's program in Information & Service Design), along with visiting professor Erik Wilde and lecturer Raymond Yee.

A "wildcard session" on "Info-scavengers" will be led by master's students Daniela Rosner, Kevin Lim, and Hannes Hesse.

Professor Nancy Van House participates in the roundtable discussion "Science and Technology Studies (STS) in iSchools."

Doctoral student danah boyd hosts a "wildcard session" entitled "Okay, Facebook Me: Exploring Behavior, Motivations and Uses in Social Network Sites"

Doctoral student Megan Finn presents her research on "Post-disaster Information Infrastructure: The 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake"

For more information, see the conference website.

Last updated: March 26, 2015