Design Futures Lecture

Sketching Smart Things: User Experience Design of Ubiquitous Computing Devices

2008-03-06T17:15:00 - 2008-03-06T18:30:00
Thursday, March 6, 2008
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Mike Kuniavsky, ThingM

The user experience design of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) products is a new branch of design. Like Web design was different from traditional graphic design, ubicomp user experience design is different from traditional industrial design.

Mike will discuss how he has tackled (and occasionally has gotten tackled by) the unique challenges of ubicomp UX. He will reposition the notion of information as a design material, and describe how ThingM is attempting to merge interaction design with the principles of agile software development to create new tools for prototyping new interactions.

Last updated: March 26, 2015