
DataEDGE Conference

2012-05-31T16:00:00 - 2012-06-01T18:00:00
Thursday, May 31, 2012
4:00 pm
– Friday, June 1, 2012
6:00 pm
UC Berkeley
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How will your business or organization face the challenges and opportunities of Big Data?

Join thought leaders at the DataEDGE conference for an intimate conversation about the future of data science. Quentin Hardy of the New York Times leads a conversation about how we can prepare for an exciting new world of big data.

Understanding how to manage the transition to a data-intensive economy will make or break companies, careers, and fortunes. As the web grows increasingly dense, the information about our connections accumulates logarithmically.  Analysis of this data can reveal who we are, what we like, and how we act.

The UC Berkeley School of Information’s DataEDGE conference will get you up to speed quickly on the Big Data revolution. You’ll learn about the underlying technologies and the hot new start-ups, and the ways that other institutions are using Big Data to gain a competitive edge.

Big Data is not just for technology and math geeks from the Silicon Valley. DataEDGE brings together computer scientists, sociologists, designers, economists, political scientists, linguists, ethnographers, artists, and global development experts for an intimate two-day conference to chart a new course for the future of data science.

Attendance will be limited to ensure personal interaction. At DataEDGE, we give you the opportunity to network with industry movers and shakers and leading-edge university researchers, and discuss the issues relevant to you.

Learn from data science visionaries about new ways of thinking about big data that will impact fields from health care and agriculture to finance, manufacturing, and government.

Participate in intimate break-out sessions focused on data science issues relevant to you.

Be inspired with a new vision for big data from provocative thinkers like danah boyd and pioneers of data science like DJ Patil.

For more information about the DataEDGE conference, see

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google
  • D.J. Patil, Data Scientist in Residence, Greylock Partners
  • danah boyd, Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research
  • Quentin Hardy, Deputy Technology Editor, New York Times
  • Michael Chui, McKinsey Global Institute
  • Mark Frohardt, Internews Center for Innovation and Learning
  • Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania
  • Sharmila Shahani-Mulligan
  • Geoff Nunberg, UC Berkeley School of Information
  • Scott Young, Permanente Federation

Complete speaker list and bios

Last updated: August 23, 2016