Information Access Seminar

Studies in Collective Memory: Towards Computational History through Large Scale Text Mining

2012-03-02T15:10:00 - 2012-03-02T17:00:00
Friday, March 2, 2012
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Adam Jatowt
Given the huge amount of data about the past, computer science will play an increasingly important role in historical studies, with computational history becoming an emerging interdisciplinary field of research. In this presentation, I will show the results of our recent study on how the past is remembered through large scale text mining. I will demonstrate that analysis of references to the past in news articles allows us to gain a lot of insight into the collective memories and societal views of different countries. At the end of the talk, I will also briefly describe my recent work on the readability of web content and historical documents.

Adam Jatowt is an associate professor at the department of social informatics at Kyoto University. He has been working on computational history, future-related information extraction and summarization, content readability, and information access to web archives. He has been PC co-chair of iPRES2011 and served as PC member of SIGIR, JCDL, HT and COLING conferences. Prof. Jatowt is in Berkeley for a month.

Last updated: March 26, 2015