CTSP Proposal Hackathon

Saturday, September 26, 2015
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sponsored by the Center for Technology, Society & Policy.

The CTSP Proposal Hackathon will be a fun half-day event where potential fellowship applicants can find collaborators, form teams, and work on project ideas together. Attendees will have an opportunity to pitch ideas, join projects that interest them, and start working together to develop the project idea and try out the team dynamic. Working with a team at the hackathon does not mean you’re wedded to that group or idea, but we hope that many collaborative proposals will come out of this process. To be clear, no coding is required at this event — we’re hoping to fund a wide range of research, coding, non-coding and other projects — and teams at the proposal hackathon will be free to flesh out their ideas in whatever way makes the most sense to them.

Registration required. Lunch will be served.

More information and registration.

Last updated: June 28, 2024