Internet of Things in the Wild

Friday, April 24, 2015
9:40 am - 11:30 am
Stefano Marzani (DQuid) and Vatsal Shah (Litmus Automation)

A special session of the School of Information course Info 290. Internet of Things: Foundations and Applications. All are welcome.

Co-Creating Digital Things
Stefano Marzani (DQuid)

The projections for connected Internet-of-Things devices are staggering. Much focus is on the connectivity itself, but who is taking care about the content development process? Products must be conceived as an inextricable bundle of a physical part and digital content. Furthermore, connectivity is not just "cloud", but must take care of objects' internals and propose abstraction methodologies to reduce application development complexities. In our vision, connectivity, digital content, and a developer-friendly framework are the elements of a successful IoT deployment.

Enterprise IoT Architecture with Real Use Cases
Vatsal Shah (Litmus Automation)

There are some key challenges in the Internet of Things around efficient device oriented architecture, security and privacy. The presentation will cover how enterprises are currently implementing solutions, how we can improve over it and followed by two real use cases of our retail and automobile clients.

Last updated: April 23, 2015