Information Access Seminar

Securing Networked Information Resources and Infrastructure: "Easy" Wins and Longer-Term

2015-04-17T15:10:00 - 2015-04-17T17:00:00
Friday, April 17, 2015
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Clifford Lynch

The Coalition for Networked Information held a small invitational workshop in early March 2015 to look at a near term agenda for improving security of networked information resources and infrastructure. This identified several areas where it should be relatively easy to make some quick gains; some midrange areas where work is needed but prospects are promising, and also noted a few longer term research areas where it's clear major problems exist but the way forward isn't clear. I will present some of the highlights from this workshop and invite comments and discussions.

Last updated: April 6, 2015