Information Access Seminar

Library Collaboration — Does it have a future? What kind?

Friday, April 8, 2016
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Jim Michalko

Jim Michalko recently retired from his position as VP of research libraries at OCLC. In this session he will use his career in librarianship, his time leading the Research Libraries Group, and his last decade at OCLC as the jumping-off point for a discussion of shared services in the library domain, the difficulties of building collaborative infrastructure, and the relationships between local capacity, above-the-institution capabilities, and the academy’s shifting expectations of the university library.

Prior to joining OCLC in 2006, Jim Michalko was the CEO of the Research Libraries Group (RLG) for nearly 16 years. Before directing RLG, Jim held positions in private industry (medical technology, merger and acquisition analysis), the University of Chicago libraries, and the University of Pennsylvania libraries. Jim holds graduate degrees from the University of Chicago (MBA and MLS) and earned a bachelor of arts at Georgetown University. Google him.

Last updated: March 25, 2016