CLTC Seminar Series

Making It as a Security Expert in a Financial Context

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
12:00 pm
Steve Walker

Steve Walker is an expert on cybersecurity, working mainly with very small multi-billion dollar companies (venture capital funds, hedge funds, traders, foundations, and other types of firms). Before starting Cobaltix and Cobaltix Compliance, Steve was a senior technologist (focusing on networking and security) at Bechtel, Hammersly Consulting, Cohesive, 3Com, Exodus, and Good Technology, and as a consultant he has worked with clients all over Europe, Asia, and Australia. For his CLTC seminar, Steve Walker will give a brief lecture on what it takes to make it as a security expert in a financial context.

RSVP here.

Last updated: September 15, 2016