Free Speech Town Hall
For faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the School of Information
Please join Dean AnnaLee Saxenian to discuss some of the difficult issues surrounding speech: What should be considered free speech? When you think of someone speaking freely, what scene do you envision? Does speech cause harm? Does speech change in online environments? Can free speech be managed algorithmically?
As you know, Chancellor Carol Christ has made a strong commitment to free speech this fall. We stand with Carol and the campus in unambiguously endorsing free speech. At the same time, some kinds of speech can be deeply corrosive and must be limited: expressions of hate have no place in this community. We have seen with Charlottesville and other recent events just how hurtful and divisive speech can be. Just because there is a First Amendment right to say something does not mean that it should be said. The campus has articulated its commitment to the First Amendment, and the belief that the best remedy for the speech we dislike is more speech. But, we must remember that more speech cannot cure the pain of hurtful and hateful speech. We should stand together in opposing hate, in whatever forms it takes.
Donuts and coffee will be served.