CLTC Seminar Series

The Intimacy of Things: Privacy and the IoT

2017-03-07T13:00:00 - 2017-03-07T14:00:00
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Gilad Rosner
Remote video URL

The Internet of Things has captured the attention of journalists, academics, business, policymakers and the public. But why? Is there is something qualitatively different about it… whatever “it” is? Popular discourse would have us believe that the IoT is the greatest boon to humanity since electricity, or the greatest threat to privacy and democracy ever imagined. Unsurprisingly, it is neither; the IoT is evolution not revolution. This talk will explore various conceptions of the IoT, examine the privacy risks it implies, review relevant policy frameworks, and generally try to deflate some of the hype and alarmism the subject tends to engender.


Gilad Rosner is a researcher, consultant, and government advisor focused on privacy and public policy, and the founder of the Internet of Things Privacy Forum. His work encompasses privacy by design, national policy, digital identity and the interplay between governments, commercial markets and standards. Dr. Rosner is motivated by the responsible use of personal data and its use in new business and technology domains, particularly in an international context. He has 20 years of industry experience in IT and digital media; has worked with automation, robotics, audiovisual encoding, front- and back-office IT, supply chains and operations; and held management and consultant roles. Prior to becoming a researcher, he helped design and manufacture the Emmy award-winning robotic video migration system SAMMA.

Last updated: March 3, 2017