Social Norms Hackathon
Calling all Berkeley students in STEM: engineers, designers, data scientists, researchers, and more! Promote positive social norms and make a difference for good during the Social Norms Hackathon.
The Social Norms approach highlights positive social norms and empowers individuals to take action. In this case we are applying the Social Norms method to reduce the normalization of oppression, violence, and abuse in both small and large communities.
Grand prize: $1250
Runner-up: $500
Join us for the Social Norms Hackathon to make a difference, have fun, and compete for prizes! Deliverable options: video (no more than 5 min), visualization, or app. Team size may be 1–5 people.
Friday, April 7th:
4:00 pm:
Opening prompt and guest speaker on the Social Norms approach. Team formation (if you did not already come with a set team).
4:30 – 10:00 pm:
South Hall is open for hacking! Dinner will be served around 6pm. At 10pm we will shut the doors and ask guests to leave for the night.
Saturday, April 8th:
9:00 am:
Breakfast at South Hall
9:00 am – 3:30 pm:
Planning and hacking at South Hall! Lunch will be provided.
3:30 pm:
Submit all materials for judging
4:00 pm:
Presentations begin (5 minute presentations with 2 min Q&A) to panel of judges
Teams & Deliverables
Team size may be 1–5 people. Teams can be formed before the event or during! We will devote time during the hackathon for you to meet and form a team.
Deliverable options include a video (no more than 5 min), visualization, or app.
Judging criteria will include: user experience, development/design, pitch, and potential to make a real difference in reducing the normalization of oppression, violence, and abuse through the social norms method.
What is the Social Norms Approach?
The Social Norms Approach corrects the misperception of a social norm. It is not just a positive themed message, but involves researching the actuality of a situation/dynamic and bringing the positive social norms to light. We will review the approach in the hackathon, so you will come away understanding a new method of behavioral change!
More information about social norms approach can be found at:
Brought to you by the UC Berkeley School of Information, the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, and a grant administered through the PATH to Care Center and Violence Prevention Collaborative.