
Data Science Capstone Project Showcase

Thursday, April 26, 2018
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Capstone projects are the culmination of the MIDS students’ work in the School of Information’s Master of Information and Data Science program.

Over the course of their final semester, teams of students propose and select project ideas, conduct and communicate their work, receive and provide feedback, and deliver compelling presentations along with a web-based final deliverable.

Join us for an online presentation of these capstone projects. Each team will present for ten minutes, including Q&A.

A panel of judges will select two outstanding projects for the Hal R. Varian MIDS Capstone Award. Awards will be announced during our upcoming commencement ceremony.

Join the Online Showcase

  1. Type in your name and enter the room as a guest. There may be a short waiting period; please be patient.
  2. When you get into the room, a popup window will appear with instructions
    1. If you are accessing the session from within the United States, click on the “Dial-Out” option, type in your phone number and choose “Join.” You will receive a call directly from the room's conference line. Answer it to connect to the lecture's audio.
    2. If you are accessing the session from outside of the United States, click on the “Dial-In” option. The conference number and participant code will appear so that you can access the audio from your phone or Internet phone service.

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Last updated: April 19, 2018