Internet Law and Online Speech: An International Perspective

2020-04-06T16:10:00 - 2020-04-06T18:00:00
Monday, April 6, 2020
4:10 pm - 6:00 pm
David Kaye
Remote video URL

David Kaye is the United Nations special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Mr Kaye is a clinical professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law. He teaches international human rights law and international humanitarian law and directs a clinic in international justice. His research and writing focus on accountability for serious human rights abuses and the law governing use of force. He has collaborated with local and national governments, major international NGOs as well as those at the grassroots, international organizations, and academic institutions around the world.

He has also published numerous research essays and opinion pieces on international human rights law related issues in a wide range of specialized reviews and mainstream publications. His most recent publications include: Speech Police: The Global Struggle to Govern the Internet (2019); Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014); Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties – or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013); Human Rights Prosecutors? The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Justice, and the Example of Syria (book chapter) (2013); State Execution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 3 U.C. Irvine Law Reviews 95 (2013).

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world. Mr Kaye began his legal career as a lawyer with the U.S. Department of State.

Mr Kaye has served on numerous local, national, and international boards over the course of career. He has been an active member of the American Society of International Law, for which he served on its Executive Council and Executive Committee, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He earned his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.

Last updated: June 28, 2024