Information Access Seminar

Seminar Project Reports

2020-04-24T15:10:00 - 2020-04-24T17:00:00
Friday, April 24, 2020
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Ankit Bansal, Aobo Lyu, Vikramank Singh, Mekhola Mukherjee, and Chintan Vyas

AI-powered Digital Media Management and Analysis

Ankit Bansal & Chintan Vyas

With the explosion of digital content in the form of audio, image, and video files, the ability to understand the content of the media serves as the key for faster retrieval and deeper analysis. The team aims to create a cloud platform to achieve this objective. Our solution will use various forms of AI (computer vision, speech-to-text, NLP, etc) to create metadata that aids in enhanced lookup of the required information

The Evolution of e-Commerce Platform Data Processing Activity

Aobo Lyu

This study conducts a case study on Taobao and Pinduoduo, two famous e-commerce platforms in China, and analyzes the related articles in the past 15 years in the three journals: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and Electronic Commerce Research, summarizing the e-commerce platform’s evolution trend in user information processing and application process, and predicts the future e-commerce platform user data utilization activities. The conclusion of evolution analysis is presented in the form of an evolution model, which includes three parts: data collection type, data analysis method, and analysis result application

Statistical Analysis of Human Procedural Learning

Vikramank Singh & Mekhola Mukherjee

The order in which learners are exposed to various modules and its effect on mastery and long-term retention has been widely studied in education-based literature. Most of this experimentation has been in the field of mathematics. Our goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of blocked and interleaved tasks in a procedural language like coding. We also aim to examine whether there is a ‘best’ order within modules that can lead to the best learning outcomes and if we can find such an order with statistical methods

Aobo Lyu is an exchange student from China. His major is information management and information systems, and he is currently doing research in e-commerce and studying system theory, information theory, and cybernetics.

Vikramank Singh is a second-year graduate student in the MIMS program. He has a background in machine learning and reinforcement learning. Prior to Berkeley, Vikramank spent time at Facebook Research as a software engineer in machine learning and at the MIT Media Lab as a deep learning researcher. Currently most of his research is around the topics of sequential decision making for large scale systems using reinforcement learning and machine learning.

Mekhola Mukherjee is a second year MIMS student. She has beena software engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise for 3 years working in the computational storage domain. Her current interests lie in the field of data privacy and machine learning.

Chintan Vyas is a second-year graduate student at the School of Information working towards developing a cloud-based media management solution that could be used by organizations to automatically index and retrieve rich media (images, audio, and video). Recently, Vyas worked as a product manager at Sumo Logic (a machine data analytics company) and was a software engineer for 3 years prior to pursuing graduate studies.

Last updated: April 20, 2020