Information Access Seminar

Research Data Publishing Ethics

2022-02-04T15:10:00 - 2022-02-04T17:00:00
Friday, February 4, 2022
3:10 pm - 5:00 pm PST

Daniella Lowenberg, California Digital Library

As researchers and institutions increasingly invest in research data management and sharing practices, it’s clear that research integrity and ethical issues related to the publication of data are growing and require attention. Scholarly journals have guidance on how to handle ethical and legal issues that arise during the publication process, but to date there has not been clear or standard guidance for publishing data. Libraries, researchers, repository managers, federal agencies, publishers, and research integrity officers came together to publish the first set of guidance: “FORCE11 and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Recommendations for the handling of Ethical Concerns Relating to the Publication of Research Data”.

Join Daniella Lowenberg of the California Digital Library to learn about the diverse integrity and ethical issues that may arise in data publishing, community-built resources, and how this space may evolve.

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Daniella Lowenberg is a senior product manager at California Digital Library focused on data publishing with emphasis on data metrics and data ethics. She is the product manager for Dryad, PI for the Make Data Count initiative, co-founder of the FORCE11 & COPE Research Data Publishing Ethics working group, and chair of the RDA Data Usage Metrics working group.

Daniella has a background in microbiology and received her degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Following undergrad, she researched antibiotic resistance at San Francisco Public Health, and curated pharmacogenomics pathways for chemotherapy agents at Stanford. Before joining CDL, Daniella was a publications manager at PLOS ONE where she implemented and oversaw the PLOS data policy and ran journal operations.

Last updated: January 27, 2022