Nov 8, 2018
Graduate Student Orientation Intern (Office of Graduate Student Life)
Job Title
Incoming academic and professional graduate students primarily receive orientation to UC Berkeley at the department level. These discipline-specific orientations are supplemented by an optional one-day orientation offered by the Graduate Division, in addition to other welcome events hosted by student organizations and other campus units serving various student communities. Graduate Student Life is hiring a graduate student intern to review current orientation practices for graduate students across academic and professional programs, identify best practices as well as any gaps, and develop a new potential model for a supplemental campus-wide student orientation. The Orientation Intern may also have the opportunity to assist in implementing the new recommended model, to be launched in Fall 2019.
- Asset Mapping: Work with departments and other student services units to survey department practices for graduate student orientation. Review orientation models at peer institutions.
- Needs Assessment: Conduct interviews and focus groups with current graduate students to identify most relevant topics and resources for new and incoming students. Identify gaps in programs in support of specific audiences.
- Analysis: Analyze results to identify “best practices” for orientations. Develop a recommended model for supplemental graduate student orientation.
- Programming and Events: Assist with planning, setup and execution of orientation events.
- Additional duties as assigned.
How to Apply
Please email a cover letter and a CV or résumé by November 14 to