Feb 12, 2019
Medicare Business Analytics Master's Internship (Kaiser Permanente)
Job Title
Department Overview: Medicare Business Analytics provides insight into the National Kaiser Permanente Medicare Line of Business performance and identify opportunities to continuously improve performance by partnering with business leaders to support data driven decision making, providing timely, accurate reporting and analysis with narrative interpretation and key take-aways, and measuring the impact of initiatives to determine their business value.
Intern Project Description: The intern project involves applying predictive and regression analysis on our KP Member Age In/Continue to Work campaign. We are looking to develop specific statistical modeling into our work and leveraging it into our operations into more effectively reaching out and contacting our members regarding their Medicare eligibility and conversion.
Essential Functions:
- Contributing to a designated project or initiative to meet a KP business objective.
- Report development and analytics.
- Project management - planning, execution, and measurement.
- Learning new applications needed to complete assignments or support the execution of business objectives.
- Job shadowing in other functional areas.
- Pursuing a graduate degree or have completed a graduate program from an accredited university within the last year.
- Aptitude to perform data and process analytics and formulating solutions.
- Advanced analytical and problem-solving skills
- Proven ability to build effective working relationships as well as strong interpersonal skills.
Contact Info
Please direct any questions to Emily Mou (Senior Data Consultant) at Emily.Mou@kp.org.
How to Apply
Submit application at kaiserpermanentejobs.org for job number 769454.