Jul 30, 2008

I School ISD Program and the Emerging Discipline of Service Science

From Investor's Business Daily
July 30, 2008

Service Science Emerging As A New Tech Discipline
By J. Bonasia

First agriculture and then manufacturing were king, but today's developed world is fueled by services.

Services make up more than 80% of the gross domestic product in both the U.S. and the U.K. Services might include call center agents helping customers, software programmers sharing code, auto suppliers delivering spare parts or maids turning down bed sheets.

But as services grow and entail more partnerships and more parts of the world, the issue is: How does a company effectively manage all the services it's providing and the services it's getting....

The University of California at Berkeley will launch a full-fledged service science program this fall.

Berkeley already has some 40 graduate students who pursue masters and doctoral degrees in service science each year. The service design program combines elements of computer science, social science, business, economics, humanities and law, says Eric Kansa. He leads the program, part of the university's School of Information.

"Service science comes in wherever information systems touch people and organizations," Kansa said. "There are still big questions around how to manage people."

Some Cal grad students in the program have worked on a project to improve security for the school's information systems. Another project focused on fixing how the local court system handles criminal data...


Last updated: October 4, 2016