Nov 2, 2009

Ph.D. Student Elizabeth Goodman Awarded Intel Fellowship

I School doctoral student Elizabeth Goodman has been named as a recipient of the 2009–2010 Intel Ph.D. Fellowship.

The Intel Ph.D. Fellowship Program awards fellowships to Ph.D. candidates pursuing leading-edge work in fields related to Intel's business and research interests. Fellowships are available at select U.S. universities, by invitation only. The Intel Corporation provides each 2009 winner a cash award for tuition, an additional stipend, connection with an Intel technical leader working in the student's area of study, and travel grant to meet with that Intel mentor. This is a highly competitive program with approximately 40 fellowships awarded annually.

Goodman's research at the School of Information combines human-computer interaction (HCI) with geography, investigating the design of ubiquitous computing systems for everyday urban places such as cafes and gardens. Her thesis will focus on "designing ubiquity": how to produce commercial ubiquitous computing. Currently, she is focusing on how information systems might play a role in the creation and stewardship of urban green spaces for local food production and neighborhood activism.

Last updated: October 4, 2016