Feb 28, 2010

Daily Californian Blog Discusses I School Privacy Report

From The Daily Clog (A Cal blog brought to you by The Daily Californian)

iPhone Could Make Big Brother Dystopia Definitively 100 Percent Possibly Inevitable, Maybe

By Alex Bigman

OK, that title might be a wee bit incendiary. However, take a gander at the I School’s doosie of a reality-check, and we bet that you too will be gathering your non-technological possessions and heading toward a remote wooded cabin in which to live out a more simple existence, “Walden”/”Children of Men” style....

These functions seem harmless enough, until you come across sites like pleaserobme.com, which makes manifest the potential for your whereabouts info to be snatched up by wrong hands. Deirdre Mulligan, of the I School study, suggests the event that you lose a phone with Loopt on it. Now the sketchy voyeur/serial murderer who finds it will have access to the location of all of your well-connected friends.

The I School researchers are working with Congress to establish better privacy standards. Still, we can’t help but glance back to our title....



Last updated: October 4, 2016