Oct 11, 2010

Huffington Post Cites I School Student Project

From The Huffington Post

Money Catches up With Meaning in Social Enterprise

By Gail Vida Hamburg

I recently attended social enterprise and impact investing summits on both coasts, where social entrepreneurs, impact investors, changemakers and change-agents gathered to discuss new developments in the field.

In addition to conventional development initiatives addressing a range of social problems including the building of civil society, there were smart solutions impressive for their specificity. In parts of rural India, where people must frequently wait at home all day for trucks to bring clean water, a social enterprise created by students at Stanford and UC Berkeley [including School of Information graduate students Thejovardhana Kote and Niranjan Krishnamurthi], NextDrop.org sends SMS water alerts to neighborhood residents in advance of the trucks, based on computational models and predictions....


Last updated: October 4, 2016