May 12, 2012

2012 Commencement Awards

James R. Chen Awards
For Outstanding Master's Final Projects

Track 1: Changing Behaviors

Apps for Kids & Parents
Elizabeth Ha, Emily Barabas, & Kristine Ng
Advisor: Deirdre Mulligan
Report | Presentation Slides

Honorable Mentions:

Grepvine (Chulki Lee, Ram Joshi, & Walter Koning)

Navigating An Educational Experience By Augmenting Our Reality (NEEAR) (Deepak Subramanian & Leslie Tom)

Track 2: Changing Business Processes

Ariel Chait & Paul Goodman
Advisor: Tapan Parikh
Website | Report

Honorable Mentions:

Sustainable Impact at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Ankita Goyal & Namitta Shankar)

Building a Free, Open Source Legal Citator (Karen Rustad & Rowyn McDonald)

Track 3: Enhancing Information Systems

Pop Up Radio Archive
Anne Wootton, Bailey R. Smith, & Christen Penny
Advisors: Robert Glushko & Ray Larson
Website | Report

Honorable Mention:

GameBadger: Mobile Gaming with a Social Twist (Angel Rodriguez & Brendan Curran)

Faculty & Staff Awards

(Presented by the Information Management Student Association)

Distinguished Teaching Award: Assistant professor Deirdre Mulligan

Distinguished Mentor Award: Student Affairs Director Meg St. John

Outstanding Final Project Videos

First Place: Pop Up Radio Archive

Second Place: GameBadger: Mobile Gaming with a Social Twist

Third Place: Acopio

Last updated: October 4, 2016