Jan 29, 2012

AnnaLee Saxenian Discusses Building the Next Silicon Valley, on CBC Radio

From Spark, on CBC Radio

Building Creative Hubs & the Next Silicon Valley

Places all over the world strive to be “the next Silicon Valley”. But what does it take to be a creative hub? Is it something you can design or does it have to happen organically?

We begin with AnnaLee Saxenian, Dean of the School of Information at the University of California and author of The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy. She talks about what happened in Silicon Valley to make it the world’s centre of tech innovation, and how the future of growth and innovation will depend on the new Argonauts, experts who move information fluidly between creative hubs all over the world. (Runs 7:05)

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Last updated: October 4, 2016