From the Daily Californian
Five Questions: Marti Hearst, ‘Big Data’ pioneer
By Christopher Yee
With a massive amount of data online, computer programmers have recently taken to looking for ways to manage it all.
Marti Hearst, a professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information, has been at the forefront of research on working with “Big Data” to make it searchable and accessible. Her 2009 book, “Search User Interfaces,” was the first formal investigation of the different ways computer users search through data and how the process can be improved....
Hearst sat down with The Daily Californian to discuss how Big Data at large as well as on campus has evolved over the years....
Q: How is the School of Information changing as new technology trends emerge?
A: The I-School is a very interdisciplinary program. We’re training people to be the information professionals of the future. So I don’t know if our students need to change, but our program needs to continue to change. We’ve had a strong emphasis on human-computer interaction and information visualization, and the legal aspect, cyberlaw, has always been a big strength in our school. Now there’s a new emphasis on Big Data, and we’re starting to offer a lot more classes on it....