Oct 24, 2012

Deirdre Mulligan & Jen King Among the Year's Leading Privacy Researchers

The Future of Privacy Forum has named School of Information assistant professor Deirdre Mulligan and Ph.D. student Jen King among the leading privacy researchers of 2012.

The two are included in the third annual “Privacy Papers for Policy Makers” publication, released today by the Future of Privacy Forum. The “Privacy Papers” series highlights privacy-related research and analytical work that is especially important to today’s policy makers. King and Mulligan will be honored at a reception November 7 in Washington, D.C., along with fifteen of their fellow researchers.

Jen King is the author of the paper “‘How Come I’m Allowing Strangers to Go Through My Phone’?: Smart Phones and Privacy Expectations,” which compares the privacy concerns of actual smartphone users with the privacy designs and practices of smartphone app developers.

King is a third-year Ph.D. student at the School of Information whose work uses human-computer interaction methods to examine the “privacy gap” between people’s expectations and how technological systems actually function. Her publications include privacy focused investigations into mobile systems, online social networks, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and digital video surveillance.

Deirdre Mulligan and Jen King are the co-authors of the paper “Bridging the Gap Between Privacy and Design,” which explores the concept of “lateral privacy” — privacy concerns between users of a service rather than with the service provider — and why most online privacy policies and regulatory approaches are ill-equipped to deal with these privacy concerns.

Professor Mulligan’s research focuses on information privacy and security. Her current projects include qualitative interviews to understand the institutionalization and management of privacy within corporate America, and role of law in corporate information security policy and practice. She also studies digital rights management technology, privacy and security issues in sensor networks and visual surveillance systems, and alternative legal strategies to advance network security.

In addition to the articles by King and Mulligan, this year’s Privacy Papers volume also includes research by I School alumni Alessandro Acquisti Ph.D. ’03) and Nathan Good (Ph.D. ’09) and Berkeley law professor Chris Hoofnagle, who will be teaching the I School’s Cyberlaw course in Spring 2013.

Last updated: October 4, 2016