May 24, 2012

Jen King Addresses FTC on Mobile Advertising & Privacy Disclosures

Ph.D. student Jen King will address the Federal Trade Commission at a day-long workshop on advertising and privacy disclosures in online and mobile media on May 30 in Washington, D.C.

The FTC is hosting the workshop to consider the need for new guidance for online advertisers about making disclosures required under FTC law.

King is a third-year Ph.D. student in the School of Information, where she studies online privacy and how people make their privacy decisions. King’s research bridges the gap between legal analysis, technical approaches, policy-based solutions, and an understanding of the social implications of the challenges of privacy and surveillance.

King will kick off the workshop with a brief overview of the design principles that HCI researchers and practitioners are using to improve notices and disclosures on both the Internet and on mobile platforms. She will also be participating in a panel discussion on universal and cross-platform advertising disclosures.

The workshop will be from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, at the FTC Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C.  It is free and open to the public. The event will be webcast.

Last updated: October 4, 2016