From Fast Company
"Seek Out Those That Will Take A Risk On You": DJ Patil's Inspired Commencement Speech
By Drake Baer
A great story — and some excellent career advice — came out of DJ Patil's commencement speech at the University of California's School of Information last weekend. (See the full speech and video at bottom of this post.) Though Patil is now your prototypical renegade meteorologist, data scientist, and GenFluxer, he was once your average about-to-grad undergrad who didn't know what to do next.
So he asked around for help.
"One of my mentors, Reggie Brown, suggested that I go talk to Jim Yorke, who is best known for coining the term Chaos Theory," Patil said. "To which I am sure my own thought was 'One does not simply email the father of Chaos Theory.'"...