Aug 28, 2013

Forbes Interviews Alum Paul Goodman (MIMS ’12) on Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America

From Forbes

The Agora Partnerships Helps Latin American Social Entrepreneurs Scale Successfully

By Devin Thorpe

The Agora Partnerships is helping entrepreneurs in Latin America who are working to address social issues in the region. Through training and other programs they have already supported more than 4,000 entrepreneurs. They also report having helped drive investments of over $11.1 million in social enterprises in the region.

At 2:00 PM Eastern on August 28, 2013, I will be interviewing two executives from Agora Partnerships along with two of the entrepreneurs they’ve invested in. I’ll be joined by Antoine Cocle and Jesse Grainger from Agora Partnerships and Gabriela Flores and Paul Goodman, social entrepreneurs in Latin America....

Paul Goodman: A fluent Spanish speaker, Paul drives Acopio’s fundraising, supports technology development and leads buy-side relationships. Paul’s previous experience includes consulting with DAI, an international development organization, on projects using technology to reach development objectives. He holds a BA in International Affairs from GWU and a MA [sic.; actually a MIMS] in Information Management from UC-Berkeley.


Last updated: October 4, 2016