May 10, 2013

Geoff Nunberg on Technology's Ability to Delight Us, in the Los Angeles Times

From the Los Angeles Times

Cold, hard data meets squishy delight

By Chris OBrien

Ask Joshua Reeves about his online payroll service, and the last thing he'll want to discuss are its features and algorithms and software code and all that other cold jargon that usually comes pouring out of the mouths of Silicon Valley engineers.

No, what Reeves really cares about is what he hopes you will feel when you use ZenPayroll Inc.:


Like so many other things in Silicon Valley, the word is a legacy of Steve Jobs, the Apple Inc. co-founder who often spoke of wanting to "surprise and delight" people....

"For Jobs, the word encapsulated the powerful insight that good design could induce people to fetishize their appliances, rather than just being satisfied with them," said Geoff Nunberg, a linguist at UC Berkeley's School of Information....



Last updated: October 4, 2016